Welcome to REAL MG

A global community of like minded professional women in real estate

About Us

REAL is a feeling, an emotion, an energy. A sense of belonging, inclusion and diversity. It is the spirit of community and togetherness in an industry that can be lonely and competitive. In its most basic form it is sisterhood. What REAL provides is an opportunity for women in the real estate industry to connect and discuss their challenges and celebrate their successes in an open, safe environment. It is a judgement free zone where we can all be honest, receive genuine support, and allow for encouragement and mentoring.  There is magic when women come together and are genuine and REAL in our intentions to do so. This is why I have created a global community of women to support and challenge ourselves to live lives we love on our own terms.

Why You Should Join Us

Women should join REAL MG to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go. Giving woman the support, encouragement and mentoring to rise to their full potential. Levels that are beyond their dreams.

What can you expect from REAL Events?

  1. Intentional - we know that you have taken precious time to attend our event and we will always strive to keep on point and focused. All speakers are vetted and will deliver their message effectively and in a timely manner.

  2. Content - all information will be relevant and inspiring. Guest speakers will be sharing valuable information that is going to make a difference for you in your life. Our content will be current and powerful.

  3. The REAL Experience - you will walk away inspired and motivated. These sessions are interactive and you won’t be able to resist participating. We create an immersive interactive space where you are an essential part of the experience. REAL is about creating REAL events because you are a real woman. We live up to our name. We are real.

  4. REAL FUN - we bring a level of celebration to our conversations. Discussing business doesn’t always have to be mundane. It can be something you are excited about, lit up by and we will tap into that. Our mission is to create a level of enthusiasm with a sprinkling of entertainment.

  5. Community, collaboration and cooperation - we are not here for competition. We believe that women collaborating in business is something where everybody wins. There’s more than enough pie for all. REAL is a community where we are working together to achieve greatness. We are here to cooperate in business and align with who we actually are.